Build credibility in your decarbonization solutions

Connect with ready buyers and and leverage authentic, verified customer reviews to drive more sales.

"Even for large-ticket enterprise purchases, the majority of B2B buyers don't contact a company they're considering buying from until after they've drawn up their shortlist."

— Mike Neumeier, CMO and Principal at Arketi Group,
in his article about B2B influencers in Forbes

Grow your brand and your bottom line

A Marketplace for Entire
 Value Chains

Qurator is the world's first open marketplace that addresses every facet of the value chain. Whichever stage of the decarbonization value chain you cater to, your solutions will find a home here.

Get Discovered and Shortlisted by the Right Buyers

Did you know the majority of B2B buyers start their search for new vendors online? By listing on Qurator, you’re positioning yourself to be a potential solution for buyers actively seeking to decarbonize their Scope 1, 2 and 3.

Level the Playing Field, Increase Your Chances

Qurator offers a transparent framework that allows for efficient comparisons among vendors. This not only elevates the integrity of the marketplace but also significantly increases your chances of being shortlisted by discerning B2B buyers.

Ready to get started?

Create your FREE Qurator profile!

Get warm leads and win more business

Use customer reviews to boost credibility for your business

Elevate your brand through comprehensive customer reviews

Craft a compelling brand story using our tailored questionnaires. Generate insightful reviews that spotlight your features and use cases that set you apart.

Amplify marketing impact with customer voices

Leverage the testimonials of your satisfiled customers as your ultimate marketing tool. Incorporate their authentic voices into your multi-channel strategy to elevate ad performance, drive traffic, and enhance conversion and win rates.

Intent data from Qurator
Boost win rates with Qurator

Boost win rates with actionable intent data

Pinpoint in-market buyers who are actively exploring solutions or evaluating competitors. Utilize downstream intent signals to boost your sales success and shorten the sales cycle.

How it works

1. Claim and populate your profile

2. Collect and showcase reviews from existing customers

3. Use intent data to attract and target interested buyers

4. Retarget prospects in other websites or channels

Ready to get started?
Create a FREE profile now!