Qurator Marketplace

Browse across 2000 sustainability tech provider across the globe to kick start your sustainability transition.

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Minerals, Chemical and Materials

Companies in sustainable minerals, chemicals, and materials, offering alternatives and efficient processing technologies.
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Companies in innovative circular economy tech, focusing on recycling, resource efficiency, and waste reduction.
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Companies in the energy sector innovating for sustainable and efficient energy solutions.
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Methane Emission Reduction

Companies in methane emission reduction, offering technologies and strategies to combat climate change.
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Carbon Capture and Storage

Companies in CCUS focus on capturing, storing, or repurposing carbon to combat climate change.
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Agricultural Tech

Companies in AgTech offering sustainable, eco-friendly solutions to boost agriculture with minimal environmental impact.
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Energy Software

Companies in energy software offering sustainable, efficient solutions for management, conservation, and optimization.
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Minerals, Chemicals and Materials Software

Companies in this category offer software to improve efficiency in minerals and chemicals industries.
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Mobility Management Software

Companies in this category provide Mobility Management Software to optimize transportation and logistics operations.
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Industrial Operations Software

Companies in this category offer advanced Industrial Operations Software to optimize various industry processes.
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ESG Software

Companies in the ESG Software industry offer tools for risk assessment, compliance, and sustainable growth.
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Circularity Software

Companies in circularity software offering tools for sustainable resource use, waste reduction, and efficiency.
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Climate Software

Companies in climate software offer tech to monitor, predict, and mitigate climate challenges.
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Agricultural Software

Companies in this category offer tech solutions for farm management, crop planning, and inventory tracking.
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Sustainability Services

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Low Carbon Transportation Services

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Energy Services

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Circularity and Waste Management Services

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Our Sustainability Tech Scouting platform features 1000+ deep categories with 500 000+ solution providers. Request a demo today.